(Franchisee Code: R0004993)

A Senior Franchisee of Rockwills Corporation Sdn Bhd


(Franchisee Code: R0004993)

A Senior Franchisee of
Rockwills Corporation Sdn Bhd

Write a Will to protect your loved ones and assets
Malaysia's top estate planner. Secure your family's future now.
Top Estate Planning in Malaysia.

Rockwills Sabah

Will & Trust

The Importance of "Will & Trust"

Without Will

Without Trust

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Video Gallery

Video Playlist (ENGLISH)
1/19 videos
Is Your Will Complete?
Is Your Will Complete?
Importance of Will Writing
Importance of Will Writing
Rockwills For You
Rockwills For You
3 Reasons why Rockwills is your ideal partner in Estate Planning
3 Reasons why Rockwills is your ideal partner in Estate Planning
Rockwills Executorship
Rockwills Executorship
3 Reasons Why You Should Appoint Rockwills As Your Executor (1)
3 Reasons Why You Should Appoint Rockwills As Your Executor (1)
EP1- Why is Will Writing important?
EP1- Why is Will Writing important?
EP2- The legal requirements for a Valid Will
EP2- The legal requirements for a Valid Will
EP3 - The differences between Testacy and Intestacy
EP3 - The differences between Testacy and Intestacy
EP5 - Testamentary Trust
EP5 - Testamentary Trust
EP6 - Estate planning for our children
EP6 - Estate planning for our children
EP7 - 4 Things to Consider Before Choosing an Executor
EP7 - 4 Things to Consider Before Choosing an Executor
RTV - Importance of Will Custody
RTV - Importance of Will Custody
Ask Richard EP1 : When do I need to rewrite my Will?
Ask Richard EP1 : When do I need to rewrite my Will?
Ask Richard EP5: How much does it cost to write a Will with Rockwills?
Ask Richard EP5: How much does it cost to write a Will with Rockwills?
Ask Richard EP6 : How do I include overseas assets in my Will?
Ask Richard EP6 : How do I include overseas assets in my Will?
Ask Richard EP8 : Can I put all my assets under my company's name?
Ask Richard EP8 : Can I put all my assets under my company's name?
Ask Richard EP9 : Can I prepare a Will on behalf of a parent, where I am a beneficiary?
Ask Richard EP9 : Can I prepare a Will on behalf of a parent, where I am a beneficiary?
EP 14 Can I inherit a native land if I am not a native
EP 14 Can I inherit a native land if I am not a native
Video Playlist (CHINESE)
1/13 videos
EP1- 遗嘱真的那么重要吗?
EP1- 遗嘱真的那么重要吗?
EP2 - 合法遗嘱需要具备什么法律条件?
EP2 - 合法遗嘱需要具备什么法律条件?
EP3 - 有遗嘱和没遗嘱到底有什么差别?
EP3 - 有遗嘱和没遗嘱到底有什么差别?
EP5 - 遗嘱信托
EP5 - 遗嘱信托
EP6 - 为孩子的资产规划
EP6 - 为孩子的资产规划
EP7 - 选择执行人之前要考虑的4件事
EP7 - 选择执行人之前要考虑的4件事
简约遗嘱 vs 全面遗嘱 :哪一个更适合您?
简约遗嘱 vs 全面遗嘱 :哪一个更适合您?


Frequently Asked Questions

A Will is a declaration in a prescribed form of the intention of the person making it of the matters which he/she wishes to take effect after his/her death.

  1. You provide for your beneficiaries in the way you choose rather than letting the Law decides for you.
  2. Expedite the legal process.
  3. No guarantors (sureties) required by the High Court.
  4. You may appoint a guardian of your choice for your infant children.
  5. You exercise the right to appoint people of your choice to administer your estate and to carry out your wishes so as to safeguard the interests of those you love and care for.
  6. It costs less in terms of legal fees to apply for a GP than a LA.

Yes, two guarantors (sureties) are required by the High Court by way of bond equivalent to the gross value of the deceased’s assets.

Yes, the consent from all members of the family is required. Any beneficiary who is not applying to become the administrator will have to renounce his/her right to the appointed administrator.

The estate of the deceased will be frozen. The immediate family needs to apply for a Letter of Administration (LA) to unlock the deceased’s estate before able to transfer it to his/her family members i.e. the legal beneficiaries.

An authority given under the seal of the Court for the administration of the estate of a person who has died without leaving a Will.

A Court order that formally authorizes the executor to administer the deceased’s estate according to the Will.

When there is a Will left behind by the deceased, the immediate family will apply for a GP. However, when he/she dies without a Will, the family member have to apply for a LA.

  • The following person(s) are entitled in accordance to priority when an intestate dies without leaving behind a surviving spouse, children or parent:-
    1. brothers and sisters
    2. grandparents
    3. Uncles and aunts
    4. Great grandparents
    5. Great uncles and aunts and
  • There are a few situations you should consider rewriting a Will:-
    1. Your Will is destroyed or lost.
    2. You want to change the proportion or percentage of your estate distribution.
    3. You want to change your beneficiary/beneficiaries, guardian(s), trustee(s) or executors.
    4. Over the years things and situations have changed and your Will does not reflect your wishes as to how your estate should be distributed.

A Trust is an instrument where the creator of the Trust called the “Settlor” entrusts and transfers the ownership of his/her assets to another person called the “Trustee” under a Trust Deed. The Trustee then acts for the benefit of the named beneficiaries in the Trust Deed for a specific period of time.

An Insurance Trust is a trust funded by insurance policy. It is created through signing of a trust deed by the client (policyholder) and a Trust Corporation (the trustee). Then the client will absolute assign the policy to the trustee. The trust deed contains instructions to the trustee on the manner of management and distribution of the insurance proceeds upon the client’s death or disability.

  • This is to ensure that the insurance proceeds are used to:
    1. Ensure immediate available usage of funds for your beneficiaries.
    2. Finance education, living and medical expenses of your loved ones.
    3. Pay to your beneficiaries in accordance to your wishes.
    4. Ensure the insurance proceeds are not subjected to claims of the estate by creditors and other claimants.
    5. Pay multiple beneficiaries, whether joint or substitute.
  1. To ensure Beneficiaries’ do not squander their inheritance-providing staggered distribution during trust period.
  2. Providing for the 2nd family confidentially.
  3. Providing for certain family members secretly.
  4. Ensuring children with special needs are provided for.
  5. Avoid assets being claimed by spouse whom you want to avoid giving and wasteful or non-filial children.
  6. Protecting assets from being claimed by your ex-wife before any divorce proceedings starts.

The company is a separate legal entity when it was incorporated. Thus, the house he is staying belong to the company not him. He cannot will the house away in his Will. However, he can will indirectly through willing away his holding of shares in the company to his beneficiary.

Yes, despite the fact that she is a beneficiary she is merely an executor for the money paid out from the insurance policies. Your legal wife and children have a right over the money she receives. To protect her, state in the Will that this money is for her.

A will can be written in any language. However, where the Will is not in English a translation certified by a court interpreter or a translation verified by the affidavit of a person qualified to translate must be annexed to the application for Grant of Probate.

Yes, only the movable assets in a foreign country. The immovable assets will follow the law of the country of domicile.
Advise to write a seperate will for the specific immovables in that country.

Yes, provided it is signed by testator and the same witnesses. However, it is always advisable to write a new one to avoid future complications.

Yes, you can. In this case, it is advisable to keep good records of your assets as you do not wish your family members to ‘treasure hunt’ your assets once you are no longer with them.

Certainly, a Will only takes effect upon your death.

Yes, you should. It is advisable to will your joint account back to the joint holder as the joint bank account does not specify the percentages of the respective share in the joint account.

No, the new assets will fall under the residuary clause and be distributed accordingly. However, if you do not want the beneficiary named in the residuary estate to benefit from these new assets, then you need to write a new Will and name your preferred beneficiary for the new assets acquired after the date of the Will.

Yes, he has to. Thus, it always advisable to purchase a Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) to pay for any outstanding loan should you pass on suddenly.



Misconception about Will Writing (CH)


Real Life Story 2 - Funds to Care For Ailing Parents (CH)

Real Life Story 2 - Funds to care for ailing parents (EN)

Rockwills Channel EP5 - Testamentary Trust (EN)

Rockwills Channel EP5 - Testamentary Trust (CH)

Rockwills Channel EP3 - Testacy vs Intestacy (EN)

Rockwills Channel EP1 - What is a Will (EN)

Rockwills Channel EP3 - Testacy vs Intestacy CH-1

Rockwills Channel EP1 - What is a Will (CH)

Why should we seek a professional to write our will Bilingual

When should you rewrite your Will Bilingual

Survey Bilingual

Rockwills as your Executor Bilingual

Insurance Trust Bilingual

Case study on Anita Mui Testamentary Trust (CH)

Case study on Anita Mui Testamentary Trust

5 reasons why an estate plan for children is important (CH)

5 reasons why an estate plan for children is important

What We Do

Services We Provide


Will Custodian

Setting up Private Trust

Muslim Wasiat By as-Salihin Berhad

As Corporate Trustee in Trust Deed

Appointment as Corporate Executor/Trustee In a Will

Appointment as Corporate Administrator

Application of Probate and Letter of Administration

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Wisma Rockwills, No. 62, Jalan 2/131A, Off Jalan Klang Lama, 58200 KUALA LUMPUR


1st Floor, Unit No 12-1, Block B, Heritage Plaza, Jalan Lintas, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Phone Number

012-819 8668

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Estate planning is often overlooked until it is too late. Start planning now so you will not have to worry later. Rockwills is here to make things easy for you.

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